Sulfate anion is a pH-switchable template
SO42- is one of the priviledged anionic templates for the synthesis of catenanes, rotaxanes and other complex structures. Now we demonstrate that it can be “switched off” simply by protonation.
Positions available!
Several MSc, PhD and Postdoc positions are available at the moment. We also generally welcome temporary visitors.
If you are enthusiastic about our research and want to join our group, please send your CV, a one-page letter of motivation and contact details of two academic referees by email to Michal Chmielewski.
Applicants for MSc and PhD positions should also provide the transcripts of the marks received for their undergraduate and graduate degrees (for as far as completed).
Job offer for postdoctoral researchers within the grant IDEAS PLUS (in Polish)
Multivalency by self-assembly: postdoctoral work with Jean-Marie Lehn in Chem. Eur. J
Multiplication of functional units by self-assembly is a powerful way to new properties and functions. Self-organisation of components decorated with recognition groups leads to multivalent entities, amenable to strong and selective binding with multivalent targets, such as protein receptors. In this paper we describe an efficient, supramolecular, one-pot valency multiplication process proceeding through self-organisation of monovalent components into well-defined, grid-shaped [2×2] tetranuclear complexes bearing eight sugar residues for multivalent interaction with the tetrameric lectin, concanavalin A.
Prestigious award for our student!
Krzysztof Bąk, PhD student in our lab, has been honoured with Piotr Wrona award handed to the best graduates of Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw.
The award was founded in memory of Professor Piotr Wrona who was an outstanding inorganic chemist and great teacher of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw. Three factors are taken under consideration during selection of laureate: quality of MSc thesis, track records from studies and engagement in scientific work. Social work for benefit of the Faculty and society also plays an important role.
Well done!
Our research in ChemComm!
Efficient binding of environmentally and biologically important sulfate anion in aqueous solutions remains difficult and only a handful of efficient neutral receptors has been reported to date.
Now we show that simple, easily available diamidocarbazoles form robust 2 : 1 complexes with sulfate anion even in the presence of a large excess of water. An appropriate choice of side arms directs the assembly towards the formation of either an orthogonal or a biplane structure, both in solution and in the solid state.
We are looking for postdocs intersted in NCN fellowship
We are looking for prospective postdocs interested in joint application for post-doctoral fellowship from NCN (Poles only).
Wszystkich zainteresowanych stażem podoktorskim w moim Zespole zapraszam do wspólnej aplikacji o stypendium podoktorskie Narodowego Centrum Nauki pod nazwą FUGA 3.
Program ten jest adresowany do osób rozpoczynających karierę naukową, które uzyskały stopień naukowy doktora w latach 2009–2013, jak również do doktorantów, których stan zaawansowania rozprawy doktorskiej pozwala na uzyskanie stopnia naukowego doktora do dnia 30 czerwca 2014 r.
Czas trwania stypendium: od 12 do 36 m-cy, wynagrodzenie netto dla stażysty:
- ok. 5500 zł netto miesięcznie w okresie od 1 do 12 miesiąca trwania stażu;
- ok. 6000 zł netto miesięcznie w okresie od 13 do 24 miesiąca trwania stażu;
- ok. 6500 zł netto miesięcznie w okresie od 25 do 36 miesiąca trwania stażu.
UWAGA! Aplikować mogą jedynie kandydaci spoza województwa mazowieckiego!
Deadline: 17 marca 2014 roku
Szczegóły na:
Two post-doctoral researchers and three MSc Students joined the group following recruitment to the IDEAS PLUS project. Welcome aboard! See pictures.
New facilities!
We are moving to new laboratories in the Biological and Chemical Research Centre. Our new address is: Żwirki i Wigury 101, 02-089 Warszawa, III floor, laboratories 3.24 – 3.28. See gallery!
Summer internship
We cordially invite students for summer internships!
We offer:
- interesting, interdisciplinary research: Metal-Organic Frameworks, anion sensors and transporters, rotaxanes and catenanes, photoswitchable receptors and catalysts and others.
- state-of-the-art facilities in the new building of Biological and Chemical Research Centre
- possibility to continue research as MSc and PhD projects
- attractive fellowships
- enthusiasm for supramolecular chemistry
- good track record during studies
- desire to continue scientific career
- creativity
- fluency in English
- also welcome: fellowships in scientific laboratories, participation in chemical competitions, etc.
Recruitment open!
Please send your applications to: